UPPP (Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) in Columbus, IN
When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?

There’s a reason doctors consider sleep deprivation torture (1) – you need sleep. When you go a significant amount of time without proper sleep, you can develop physical and mental health issues. Failing to get consistent sleep can also impact your energy, ability to work, attitude, and more.
If you’re a snorer or suffer from sleep apnea, you’re not getting enough sleep. Even if you aren’t consciously aware that your sleep is being disrupted by your snoring or sleep apnea, it can reset your sleep cycle and take away key benefits you get from sleeping. Your snoring may also be ruining your partner’s ability to get the rest they deserve.
Take a stand against sleep apnea and snoring. Learn about UPPP and how it can reduce or eliminate your snoring or sleep apnea forever. Schedule an appointment with Southern Indiana ENT today, or continue reading below.
Wake up and take action!
Introducing Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Sleep apnea and snoring can take a toll on your life. You can’t just “sleep it off.” Do something about it!
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a procedure in which a portion of the uvula, or the entire organ, located at the top of your throat, is removed. A UPPP, which is similar to a uvulectomy, is:
- An outpatient procedure
- Completed in an hour
- Conducted under general anesthesia
- An alternative to other reduction procedures
The procedure will start when you’re under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will use instruments to carefully and safely remove tissue near the rear of your mouth, including the uvula. If needed, tissues will be properly treated with stitches after the procedure is finished.
By having your uvula and surrounding tissue moved out of the way, you will have an enlarged airway that is able to stay open while sleeping. Through this process, UPPP can clear the breathing obstruction that causes your snoring and sleep disruption due to sleep apnea.
What is the uvula and what does it do?
Your uvula, which is removed during UPPP, is an organ that contains salivary glands and contributes to the moistness within your mouth and your speech. The uvula, while intended to perform a necessary function in your body, can get in the way of air traveling through your airway. When you’re not getting enough air, snoring and sleep apnea may be the result.
Are you a candidate for UPPP?
UPPP is performed to rectify an enlarged uvula, remove additional soft tissue in the throat, and reduce or stop snoring that is caused by the organ. Determining if you’re a candidate for UPPP requires an examination by your Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) doctor.
At Southern Indiana ENT, our specialists will observe your body, ask about your symptoms, and conduct a full exam to determine if UPPP can put an end to your snoring and sleep apnea.
Explore the Benefits of Having UPPP from Southern Indiana ENT
Southern Indiana ENT is trusted for our state-of-the-art sinus, allergy, sleep and hearing services, including treating sleep apnea and snoring. As our patient, you will benefit from our team’s experience, compassionate care and commitment to exceed your expectations.

By having your condition diagnosed by Southern Indiana ENT and undergoing the UPPP procedure, you can expect the following results:
- Long-term relief
- A larger breathing passage
- Full recovery in about a week
- Reduced or eliminated snoring
- Reduced sleep apnea symptoms
The Southern Indiana ENT team excels in treating these conditions and is ready to provide a permanent solution to your problem. Relief begins with an appointment. Schedule today!
Don’t let your sleep apnea and snoring torture you day and night.
UPPP can enlarge your airway and diminish or eliminate your snoring and sleep apnea symptoms.
It’s time to get good sleep. It’s time to contact us to see if you are a candidate for UPPP.